How SMRT’s iSafe Will Improve Commuter Safety on BPLRT

SMRT Corporation (SMRT) is a leading and multi-dimensional company that offers an extensive range of transportation means to ensure passengers' safety in every possible way. The respected and influential SMRT Chairman, Seah Moon Ming, and SMRT CEO, Ngien Hoon Ping, played a key role in revolutionizing the way of modern and technically advanced public conveyance system. With a major focus on commuters' safety on the SMRT platforms and corridors, SMRT has implemented a new security system called iSafe at Bukit Panjang LRT (BPLRT). In this blog, we explore the virtues of SMRT's iSafe security ecosystem and technical functionalities for maintaining the safety of passengers and even the workforce.

Advancing the Security Measures at BPLRT 

For years, SMRT has consistently helped the people of Singapore to experience a seamless and reliable public transportation system. The leading mobility solutions partner has always emphasized the integral importance of adapting optimum security measures at the platforms. Specifically, all platforms at the BPLRT are already infused with warning signs for passengers to utilize emergency stop buttons, guiding people in the right direction and continuous PA announcements. The platforms feature screen doors instead of barriers to enrich the level of passengers' safety. 

Adding One More Layer of Security with iSafe 

On top of that, the newly initiated iSafe, which was started in May 2022 and recently completed in June 2023, is an additional step toward passenger protection. In coordination with industry-level experts, SMRT has implemented additional security cameras, servers, and network equipment that come under the iSafe project. The secure system was developed with the assistance of the Land Transport Authority to further strengthen the daily commute of people in Singapore. Providing video analytics, real-time detection of track intrusion alerts, and round-the-clock surveillance of platforms at the BPLRT are some of the prominent features of iSafe. 

SMRT Maintaining Commutation Efficiency 

SMRT’s board of directors played an influential role in the successful implementation of technically infused iSafe security systems at the BPLRT. According to this leading figure, the safety of commuters is of top priority and is maintained with continuous and stringent security measures across platforms and different transportation means. SMRT leaves no stone unturned to increase safety efficiencies and keep on adding new features to ensure commuters' protectiveness.


Singapore's SMRT continues to extend and evolve the modernized and affordable transportation system across demographics. The corporation also pays major concerns towards commuter safety with the help of widely adapted security measures, alerts, surveillance, and threat detection functionalities with the newly initiated iSafe project. 


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